Английский клуб домашнее чтение ответы на задания

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Now I am alone in the world. And now, Bill, dear, you must go to the kitchen and send Helen away. Как только люк захлопнулся, винты закрутились поживее, и труженик медленно порулил на старт.

She was of the Saxon type. Твердохлебовой Год издания: 2008 ISBN 978-5-8112-3202-4 Страниц: 182 О Книге: Сборник включает 11 английских народных сказок, отличающихся большим разнообразием. Полные произведения · Характеристики · Биографии · Критика · ГДЗ.. Предисловие на русском языке , упражнения после каждой главы, словарь в конце книги. Простые и доступные авторские тексты, параллельный перевод на.

Добровольской Год издания: 2005 ISBN 5-8112-1397-2 Страниц:122 О Книге: Сборник включает 11 английских народных сказок. Примечание: Адаптацию всей книги о Черном Красавчике см. Действие происходит во время колониальных войн в Северной Америке.

stanfihim - Пособие адресовано учащимся 3—4 классов образовательных учреждений, а также широкому кругу лиц, изучающих английский язык.

Генри; адаптация текста, коммент. ISBN 978-5-8112-4664-9 Настоящий сборник состоит из адаптированных рассказов американ­ского писателя О. Текст рассказов несколько сокращен, а трудные слова и выражения заменены на общеупотребительные. Каждый рассказ сборника снабжен постраничным комментарием, а также упражнениями, направленными на проверку понимания текста, отработку лексики и грам­матических правил, развитие устной речи. Книга предназначена для учащихся 10 классов средних школ, гимназий, лицеев. One evening he came to dinner and Mrs. Scott intro­duced him to a new boarder, a young girl, Miss Conway. Miss Conway was small and quite simple. She wore a plain brown dress. After the introduction she did not speak to Andy Donovan. She sat looking at her plate and he forgot Miss Conway almost at once. Two weeks later Andy was sitting on the front steps of the boarding-house, smoking a cigar. Suddenly somebody came out. He turned his head... She wore a beautiful black dress and a beautiful black hat. Her shoes and her gloves were black too. Her rich golden hair, and her large grey eyes made her almost beautiful. She stood looking above the houses across the street up into the sky. Her eyes were sad. All in black, and that sad far-away look 2and the golden hair shining under the black veil... Donovan threw away his unfinished cigar. Miss Conway was silent. Death has taken from me somebody who was very, very dear to me... Now I am alone in the world. And I have no friends in this city. The more Andy thought of Miss Conway the more he was sorry for her. You should go out 1sometimes to forget your trouble. Do you wish to take a walk in the park, Miss Conway? If you allow me... You are very kind. He had a lot of land and a villa in Italy. We were going to get married 1next spring. Fernando went to Italy to make his villa ready for us. After he left I came to New York to get a job. Three days ago I re­ceived a letter from Italy. It says that Fernando is dead. He was killed in a gondola accident. That is why I am always sad. I cannot take an interest in anybody. But I will show it to you, Mr. Donovan, because I believe that you are my friend. Donovan looked at the photograph with much in­terest and for a long time. The face of Count Mazzini was an interesting one 1. It was a clever face of a strong man. I look at it many times a day 2. He will always be present in my heart. Miss Conway, may I ask you to come to the theatre with me next Sunday? Scott that they were going to get married. But in spite of 4this Miss Conway continued to wear black. Donovan and Miss Conway were sit­ting in the park. It was a fine clear night. The moon shone brightly on the green leaves. Everything around them was very beautiful. But Donovan was silent. He had been so silent all day that Miss Conway at last de­cided to ask him a question. I am sure you are thinking about some other girl. Take your arm away 3, please! His name is Mike Sullivan. Do you know him? Suddenly she turned to him and began to cry. You will never love me any more. But I feel that I must tell you everything. Andy, there was no count in my life. There was nobody who loved me in all my life. All the other girls always talked about love and marriage. But nobody loved me. Nobody wanted to marry me. So at last I thought of a plan. He also made a small one for me. Then I invented that story about the Count and about the gondola accident so that 2I could wear black. I look well in black, and you know it. But nobody can love a liar. And you will now leave me, Andy, and I shall die for shame 3. You are the only man I loved 4in my life. She looked up and saw how happy he was. Checking Comprehension 1 Make the right choice. New York c to find her friend. Andy and Miss b to get married. Conway decided c to go to Italy. Say whether the statement is true or false. Correct the false one. Use them in the situations from the story. The new boarder to be a small and simple girl, and he to forget her at once. But once he to see her to dress in a beautiful black clothes with her golden hair under a black veil, and his head to turn. He to be sorry to know about her trouble. To forget it he to invite her for a walk in the park. She to say she to be going to get married soon, but her beloved to be killed in an accident, and she to be quite alone in the world. Andy to assure her that she not to be alone, he to be her friend. Miss Conway to invent this story so that she can wear black. Black to be a good colour for her. She to say nobody to love her, nobody to want to marry her. But she to want to be loved and get married. She to say he to be the only man she to love. But now she to be afraid that he to leave her and she to die for shame. Give rea­sons for your answer. Give reasons for your choice. It was past five, and the clerks had already gone. The two partners — Robbins and Hartley — were going to leave the office too 1. Rob­bins was fifty; Hartley — twenty-nine, serious, good- looking and nervous. A man came in and went up to Hartley. Hartley made a sign of silence to him 2. There were only a few words on it. Hartley, I can try to find out. It will cost you only seven dollars a day. I can send you a report every day. I only wanted the address. How much shall I pay you? He went to find the address written on the paper the sleuth had given him. It took him about an hour to get to the place. Hartley began to climb the stairs. On the fourth floor he saw Vivienne standing in an open door. She invited him inside with a bright smile. She put a chair for him near the window, and waited. Hartley gave her a friendly look 1. He said to himself that she was a nice girl and dressed in good taste. Vivienne was about twenty-one. She was of the Saxon type. Her hair was golden. Her eyes were sea-blue. It took me over a week to find your new address. Why did you take no notice of my letter? The more I think of your offer — the less I know 3what to answer you. I understand you are do­ing it for my happiness. Sometimes I feel that I should sау 4yes. I was born in the city and I am afraid I shall not be happy in the country 3. I have also promised to give you every­thing that you want. You will be able to come to the city, to go to the theatres and to visit your friends as often as you wish. Do you believe that? The girl that you will get — will be a lucky one 1. Montgomery told me so much about you that evening. And she made no mistake. I shall never forget that supper. Come with me, Vivienne! I need you so much. You will never be sorry for coming to me. Suddenly an idea came into his head. But I will tell you. There is another — but he has no right — I have promised him nothing. I have done so much for him! Vivienne hurried to open the door. Hartley returned to the girl. Stop playing with me! As soon as you are ready to go. At first 5he did not know what to say. I have never had a peaceful day since she came to my house. But this is the end. I will turn her out. Come for me when you wish. Hartley was happy, but he was afraid to believe her. At the door he turned and looked at her happily. It took Hartley an hour and forty minutes to get to his home in the country. The door was opened by a young woman who kissed him as he came in. Her mother came running into the hall. His wife screamed again — it was a happy scream, very happy. Vivi­enne has agreed to come and cook for us! She is the cook that worked for the Montgomerys a whole year. I am so happy! And now, Bill, dear, you must go to the kitchen and send Helen away. She is drunk again. What tells you about it?

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